Mobility Stretch Workout

Mobility Stretch Workout

This 45-minute mobility workout is for anyone looking and needing to improve their range of motion and move more freely! This is a great workout to perform after a long workday of sitting at the desk, before your workout, or a daily movement routine that will show great improvement in your movement and overall make you feel good. This workout is for anyone with tight hips, back, shoulders and/or ankles. This can be done all in one setting or you can to break it up into 15-minute increments throughout your day. Mobility work should be done at your pace and skill level. Make this workout what YOU need!

We will begin this workout on the floor with slower movements. Incorporating our breathing and warming up our body progressively through each circuit carefully working our way up to a standing position. We will finish with larger more dynamic movements targeting all joints including your back, shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles. Again, take each move as your body needs, finding improvement in your movement each time you perform this workout. If you experience pain in any area as you are performing an exercise we suggest fast-wording to a move that works better for you.

What you'll need:
Yoga Mat or comfortable floor option
Foam Roller or 2 rolled-up towels
If you struggle with balance, we suggest having a PVC pipe, broomstick, or chair nearby for support

Mobility Stretch Workout
  • Mobility Workout with Cara

    This 45-minute mobility workout is for anyone looking and needing to improve their range of motion and move more freely! This is a great workout to perform after a long workday of sitting at the desk, before your workout, or a daily movement routine that will show great improvement in your moveme...